- Contacts
- Location
- History
- Philosophy
- Leadership
- Daily Program
- Special Programs
- Overnights
- Religious Life
- Facilities
The Dixie Camps are two privately owned residential summer camps – Camp Dixie for Girls and Camp Dixie for Boys. Our 350 acre site is nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Clayton, Georgia, just 100 miles northeast of Atlanta and minutes from the Carolina State lines. At an elevation of 3000 feet, we are in the heart of the Chattahoochee National Forest known for its natural beauty. “Where Spring Spends the Summer” is our county’s slogan. With mild days and cool nights, the children find their experience at Camp Dixie to be very pleasant and a lot of FUN! More information
Camp Dixie has a wonderful heritage, beginning 99 years ago when Mr. A. A. Jameson (“Pop J” to all who knew him), established our camp in 1914. Having been one of the founders of The Boy Scouts of America and co-author of the original Boy Scout Handbook, he brought those same standards to our program at Camp Dixie. Throughout his life, he continued to provide young people with positive outdoor experiences. More information
Mr. Jameson’s goals were to introduce young people between the ages of 6 and 16 to challenging and new experiences, to foster in them an awareness and respect for our natural environment, to further their social skills, and to strengthen their sense of self. These goals are still the cornerstones of our camping philosophy today. More information
The real strength of any camp lies in its leadership. A specialized senior staff, who together have over 75 years of experience in the camping and recreation fields, coordinate all phases of the program. The college students and teachers who are hired as cabin and activity counselors are carefully chosen for their experience in their individual areas of instruction and for their desire to work with young people. Camp Dixie maintains a low camper-to-counselor ratio of 4 to 1 to ensure that each camper is well cared for and supervised at all times. Our staff strives to provide all our campers with a summer experience where they can grow socially, mentally, physically and spiritually. Taking home with them, memories they will treasure for a lifetime. More information
Daily Program
Because campers’ interests and capabilities vary so greatly, a variety of activities are offered; many are available at Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Levels. Since Camp Dixie is built around the lake, it is only natural that the campers enjoy swimming, diving, canoeing, and kayaking. Campers can develop their sharpshooter skills in archery and riflery or create something unique in arts and crafts. For those who love the world of make-believe, there are weekly skits and plays. Tennis enthusiasts can enjoy both classes and tournaments. Campers may also choose to take trampoline, aerobics, team sports, outdoor living skills, and nature lore. The program is planned so children experience something new everyday. More information
Special Events
Evenings and weekends provide opportunities to enjoy a number of fun-filled programs centered around each week’s unique theme. Celebrity Showcase, High Adventure, Wish You Were Here, and Christmas in July are just a few highlights of the summer. Games, costumes, and parties are all part of these programs which culminate each Friday in a full day of special activities. Dixie’s Wacky Olympics, and the Big Splash (canoeing and swimming events) are among some of our favorites. The “Spirit” of Camp Dixie is truly felt on Sunday evenings at Council Fire when campers gather around a campfire to sing songs, perform skits, and receive Activity and Honor Awards.
Our camp has it’s own private lake, waterfalls, and mountain streams to enjoy and explore, while the nearby Chattahoochee National Forest affords additional opportunities for camping and recreation. Nothing equals the thrill of learning to build a fire, cooking one’s own dinner, and sleeping under the stars.
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Religious Life
The entire atmosphere of Camp Dixie is Christian in character, and all campers are encouraged to do their best. Morning Watch, Sunday School, Chapel and Vespers are an integral part of our program. The serenity and beauty of our outdoor chapel gives everyone who worships there a sense of oneness with God.
Lodging at Camp Dixie is rustic, with two-story cabins as our homes. Activity areas include our own private lake, two volleyball and basketball courts, a large recreation building with stage, 2 athletic fields, a riflery range, 2 archery ranges, and 4 tennis courts. Naturally, with all the day’s activities, appetites abound. Our dining hall is well equipped, and campers will happily discover that our home-style cooking is delicious as well as nutritious. Modern bathhouses provide ample personal comforts. We also have an infirmary, and the hospital is just minutes away with a doctor on call 24 hours a day. Every effort is made to ensure the happiness and well-being of each camper.
Camp Dixie is a unique summer camp, blessed with a beautiful setting and years of experience working with young people. So, come join us this summer for a wonderful time in the mountains. One of our representatives will be delighted to talk with you and your family. For further information, please contact: